SMCA Community Information


Trash Pickup


Routes are running as scheduled with some limitations on grass clipping collection. Grass clippings need to be in clear bags or the brown paper bags so we can determine that it is not storm debris.  Household trash should be placed in white bags to clearly distinguish from storm debris.   Please note that cleaning your yard after the storm is considered storm debris and will need to be separated from your regular trash.

Please be patient as we are working hard to get through the day and there may be some delays in getting serviced on your scheduled day.


Best Trash extends sympathy for all of those affected by the storm.  We understand that this is a catastrophic event.  It is encouraged to contact your Precinct or County to see when storm debris collection will happen.  Please note that storm debris is not part of the normal heavy trash collection for Best Trash.  Our main focus will be to collect household trash.  Please ensure that the storm debris is separate from your regular trash to avoid any confusion.

Trash pick-up days are every Wednesday and Saturday with the exception of holidays (New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas).

Heavy trash is picked up on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Branches placed out for pickup must be 4 ft or less and bundled.

If you have any questions, please call Best Trash at 281-313-2378.

Please do not put out your trash any earlier than the night before pick-up days because when trash cans are left out during the week it creates an unsightly atmosphere. Little factors such as uniform trash set-out and pick-up days keeps our neighborhood looking maintained and orderly.

Dealing with Crime

As Fort Bend County residents everyone has the right to call the county and ask for the services they provide, such as additional patrols by deputies. If you see something, i.e. gang activity or strange cars, please call our Sheriffs Department and tell them what is going on 281-342-6116 or 911.

Consider joining NextDoor, the private social network for our community. The Fort Bend Sheriff monitors this site and people just from our area post on the site. Click on the link to join:

Interested in seeing Sheriff calls in our area? Click on the link and enter your zipcode:

Street Lights

If you notice a burned out or dim streetlight, make a note of its pole number (which can be found on the pole) and its physical location. Then contact CenterPoint Energy with the relevant information. Click on the link for contact information: Scroll down the page to Electric Delivery > Report a Streetlight Outage and follow the directions.

This is a service included in our monthly charge for street lights, so do not hesitate to call. Keeping the neighborhood well lit helps to ensure everyone's safety.

Mosquito Spraying

Please call the County at 281-342-0508 and request spraying. The more calls the better! Please remove any standing water at your home.

Fire Ants

We all have had problems with those nasty Fire Ants. What to do about them? Why are they in my yard? The idea is to control the fire ants using pesticides on the 1st weekend of each month during the summer. You must follow the prescribed precautions according to the manufacturer directions when applying pesticides to your property. This monthly treatment will control the Fire Ants from moving from one yard to another.

Driveway Entrance Repair

If your driveway entrance or curb is in need of repair, write to your Fort Bend County Commissioner for Precinct 4. This is a free county service but must be documented in writing. Click on the link for contact information:

Greater Mission Bend News

Stay in touch with your Houston area, click on the link and follow the Greater Mission Bend News website:

Deed Restrictions

Deed Restrictions are in place to preserve the value of all our properties and must be followed. Our Top Ten Deed Restriction Problems are:

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Architectural Control Committee Guidelines

The Architectural Control Committee (ACC) was created to enhance property values by requiring conformity to certain standards of construction, visual appeal, uniformity and design. The Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CCRs) are the basis of the deed restrictions. It is the general purpose of the ACC to approve or disapprove applications made to it for proposed alterations, additions or changes to be made to the exterior of the house and/or lot itself. The ACC is governed by the Homeowners Association Board of Directors, who are elected by the homeowners at the annual meeting in March of each year.
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San Miguel Civic Association is a non-profit, volunteer based organization that is dedicated to improving the quality of life and enforcing the Deed Restrictions of our neighborhood. The S.M.C.A. Board of Directors will make parliamentary decisions for the good of our neighborhood. All homeowners will be treated equally and impartially. Property values and financial soundness are the main responsibility of the elected Board of Directors. Managing and interpreting the association's deed restrictions and by-laws to the best of their ability is the philosophy of the SMCA Board.


Jodi Rohrer
Property Masters, Inc.
11281 Richmond Ave J-110, Houston TX 77082
Phone: 281-556-5111 X100
Monday - Thursday: 8:30AM to 5:00PM
Friday: 8:30AM to 3:00PM
Pay your dues online